AMA – American Motorcycle Association. Founded in 1924, the association focuses on motorcyclists’ rights and safety related issues.
ABATE – An organization started by EasyRider Magazine to fight against discrimination toward motorcyclists, mostly helmet laws originally. Once represented American Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Acts. Now ABATE has many other names from state to state such as American Brotherhood (or Bikers) Aimed toward Education. Now fighting rights many issues well beyond helmet laws, and often helping charities.
Back–Patch – The official “attire” of MCs usually consisting of a sleeveless denim or leather vest with a club patch sewn on the back. See 1, 2 and 3–Piece Patch.
Chain of Command – The CVMC chain of command is a two–way line of authority and responsibility along which communications are passed within the Club. It is essential that clear reporting relationships exist between the appointed/elected members who are responsible for communicating information, providing direction and delegating authority and responsibility.
Club Function – Any get-together, event, ride or other activity where 25% of total patched members are gathered so long as the activity does not conflict with the stated purposes of the club or violate the laws pertaining to the activities of a 501(c)(3) organization.
Club Run – A ride that is 20 miles or more in length with at least two (2) patched members.
CoC – The Confederation of Clubs stated mission is to facilitate unity within the motorcycle community. The CoC exists to bring communication through clubs, improve the motorcyclist image, support legislation for the betterment of motorcycling and allow clubs to come to a neutral spot where issues can be discussed. They monitor and protect the rights of biker in the court system. In some areas the CoC may also be a sanctioning body for new or probate clubs in that region.
Colors – Colors are the insignia worn by individuals of a specific organization to identify membership. club patches have been worn by many different groups but have become largely synonymous with MCs. Colors are considered to represent “significant markers of the socialization” of new members to clubs, rank and present a dominant symbol of identity and marked with related symbolism. The primary symbol being of the “back–patch” which is the clubs’ colors. Wearing such clothing is referred to as “flying one’s colors.” Wearing your Colors as the operator or passenger of an automobile is viewed as a sign of disrespect.
Command Team – The President, Vice-President, and Sergeant-at-Arms of a chapter.
Doctrine – Any document adopted by the Board of Directors which contains rules or expectations that apply in part or in whole to the CVMC, its Members, Prospects or Hang-Arounds.
Dominant club – a MC that exerts an overwhelming governing influence over the motorcycle community within a specific region/state. Dominate clubs have a vested interest in ensuring that undue attention is not focused upon the biker activities within their territory
Flashes Patch – Generic patches usually sold at swap meets and shops.
Freedom Fighter – An MRO member dedicated to preserving or gaining our rights.
Get–Back Whip / Whip / Cracker – A hand–braided, full grain leather whip with a rope core that can be attached directly to a quick release (aka – panic snap). It hangs from either the brake or clutch lever of a motorcycle, usually on the side of the rider’s dominant hand. Today, whips are used mainly for aesthetic reasons but, like most things, they have a story of their own. Get–Back Whips were usually made with the 1% MC colors and, besides showing club support, could be quickly released and used to swing at anything that was causing a threat to the biker, hence the name “Get–Back Whip”
Hang Around: A person who has made statements and makes observable effort to support the club in the hopes of one day becoming a prospect of the club.
H.O.G. – Harley Owners Group.
Independent Rider – Someone not affiliated with any club or group, but normally a part of the biker community and culture.
In Good Standing – A member who has not failed to pay their dues by the end of a month for that month.
Kutte / Cut – A denim jacket with the sleeves cut off (that’s why it’s called a “cut”) with the club’s colors sewn on the back. It may also be a leather vest or jacket.
LEO – Law Enforcement Officer/Official.
MC – Motorcycle Club.
MM – Motorcycle Ministry.
MRO – Motorcycle Rights Organization. An organization such as ABATE, BOLT, Motorcycle. Riders Foundation or American Motorcycle Association. Having as part of their agenda to protect the rights and freedoms of motorcyclists. Overseas MAG and FEMA are the biggest MRO’s.
MSF – Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
NCOM – The goal and purpose of The National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) is to assist all motorcycle organizations and individual riders with legal, legislative and other motorcycling issues. The Coalition will not dictate to any organization, but will be available to assist NCOM member groups through such free services as legislative assistance, nationwide information network, public awareness programs, safety projects, loan program and biker anti–discrimination legal and legislative assistance.
Nomad – A Nomad in a MC has authority delegated by the National President to enforce club rules and behavior. Most club members wear a territorial rocker (i.e., the bottom patch on the back of the jacket or vest) which signifies what city or state their chapter is located in. A Nomad’s territorial rocker, however, will simply say “Nomad”. This means that they hold no particular allegiance to a specific club chapter, but should be respected and accepted club wide. For example, if the National President had a problem with a specific club chapter, he might dispatch a group of Nomads to visit the chapter. The Nomads would then observe the chapter and advise the members of any problems the National President may have. If the infractions were not corrected, the Nomads might then have the authority to correct the problem. Since the Nomads are not official members of a specific club chapter, they must be received, housed and fed by any chapter where they may currently be located. They are essentially members of all chapters.
Ol’ Lady – A non–derogatory term used within the motorcycle community for a female companion, wife or girlfriend.
OMC – Outlaw Motorcycle club was originally the term designated a motorcycle organization that was not a chartered member of the AMA. Today, the term defines any club that has a 3–piece patch. By definition, all 1% clubs are outlaw motorcycle clubs, but not all outlaw motorcycle clubs are 1% clubs.
Out in Bad Standing / Out Bad – A term for a club member whose membership has been terminated by his club. This is typically because they have violated club protocol and/or broken established rules. The brand is used to keep former members from joining other MCs. Anyone who has been deemed “out in bad standing” should be ostracized and shunned by the entire motorcycle community. Any association and/or connection with someone who is “out in bad standing” is a sign of disrespect to this individual’s former club and may be appropriately dealt with.
Patch – The club colors of any MC. A patch can be the entire vest with the colors sewed on it or in can just refer to the club colors by themselves.
Patch–holder – A member of a MC who wears the distinctive club patch(s) on his jacket or vest.
“Property Of” Patch – A patch used in motorcycle cultures to patch predominantly female members who do not qualify for membership in the organization, and to identify the relationship between a member and his wife or girlfriend. Referred to as “Ol’ Ladies” and other regional labels, they are extremely popular within 1% MCs.
RC – Riding Club.
Rags – Also used to refer to colors. In some areas it’s used only when referring to a woman’s colors.
Road–Name – Also known as handle or nickname. Name given to someone by his Brothers/Sisters/friends. Usually given after some kind of incident or something they would associate with that person.
Rocker – A Rocker is defined as any item, including but not limited to, a patch, direct embroidery, direct printing, sublimation, heat transfer, iron–on or hand drawn rendered in the shape of an arc, either upward or downward. Part of MC colors which usually designates geographic location, territory or MC position/rank.
“Slugshot Weapon” – A large number of states have statutes or ordinances governing them. The range of enforcement, depending on the state and circumstances, includes monetary fines to the possibility of jail time and it can be either a misdemeanor or a felony.
SMRO – State Motorcycle Rights Organization. Same as a MRO except defined by the state they operate in that respective state. Such as ABATE of Ohio, ABATE of MN, BOLT of CA, ABATE of CA, TMRO, ABATE of PA. Most often associated with National MROs such as AMA and MRF. However working on a state level, with state government to protect motorcyclist’s rights and freedoms. Many meet at MRF and AMA functions to discuss issues, strategies, and other helpful information.
Soft–Colors – A T–shirt, sweatshirt or any article of clothing with the club’s colors or logo printed on the back. Keep in mind that if you’re wearing CVMC patch designs, images or logos you are representing the CVMC.
Turn Your Back – To completely disassociate from a person or club.
US Defenders – The US Defenders are composed of members from every state CoC and their COIR representatives. The US Defenders program is not a Motorcycle Rights Organization (MRO) but manageable units of MCs and Independent Riders manpower. They stand ready to implement and support motorcycle rights organizations and other organization’s “Call–to–Actions” that are identified as falling within each CoC’s agenda.
XXF–FXX / XXFOREVER – FOREVERXX – Patch worn by MC members to represent their total commitment to the club and every other member of that club. (XX stands for the name of the club).
1%er / One–percenter – As the “legend” goes, the term 1% comes from the annual AMA Gypsy Tour event and races on July 4, 1947, in Hollister, California.
Members of the Boozefighters MC and POBOBs (Pissed Off Bastards of Bloomington) made the headlines with an extremely sensationalized story in Life magazine. The AMA wrote an article in their magazine shortly after the episode denouncing these bikers stating “99 percent of all of our members are law–abiding, god fearing and family oriented citizens and only 1 percent were anti–social barbarians, the rough element and outlaws.” Thus the terms “1%er” and “outlaw biker” was born. Some of the early bikers embraced the term and decided to call themselves 1%er’s and display it on a cube or diamond shaped patch.
1–Piece Patch – A one–piece patch, normally a custom patch comprised of an emblem, traditionally worn on the back of a vest, represents a family club, riding club, or social motorcycle club. One piece back patches are generally accepted and approved, unless the patch displays stolen logos or those that are similar to the local MC.
2–Piece Patch – A two–piece patch can have many different meanings but usually signifies a club in some sort of transition. It can mean that the members are awaiting approval from the area’s dominant club to become a sanctioned MC and earn the right to wear a three–piece patch.
3–Piece Patch – A three–piece patch normally signifies that the group is a traditional 1% club. They are worn with the top rocker showing the club name, the middle showing the club’s official insignia or colors and the bottom rocker showing their territory or their geographical location. Additionally, a small MC patch is normally located to the side of the main patch. There are also a few 3–piece patch clubs where the bottom rocker has something other than territory, such as a saying. The traditional MC is one that adheres to the protocols and traditions that have long been established. There are a few exceptions including veterans, firefighters, and Christian groups. To keep it simple, a three–piece patch should only be worn by established MC’s. A three–piece patch is a public sign of commitment to a particular MC’s protocols and lifestyle, and therefore, MC’s take them very seriously! Wearing colors that resemble a 3–piece patch without permission from the dominant MC could turn out incredibly bad.
Note: The above information pertaining to 1–Piece, 2–Piece and 3–Piece Patches is the normal accepted practice. Be advised that there are some 1% MC’s that wear either the 1–Piece or 2–Piece Patch as well.
“13” – The number thirteen is a common patch worn by MC bikers and can have several meanings. The most commonly held meaning is its being the 13th letter of the alphabet “M” and stands for Marijuana or Meth. It’s also known to stand for the original or “Mother” chapter of a MC. In many places “M” stands for Motorcycle.