Everyone associated with the CVMC, in or away from our community, is expected to behave in a manner which does not bring discredit to himself, his brothers or the club name. Everyone is expected conduct themselves with the highest regard of the club principles. Prospects and members will above all, uphold the basic club principles of honor, truth, respect, support, loyalty, and commitment. The club must not be tarnished by unrestrained behavior, disrespect of fellow citizens, other clubs, or acts that generally reflect poorly on our image and reputation in or out of the motorcycle club community. In addition to the integrity of the club in the public’s eye, we must ensure the integrity of the club in our own hearts. The important of our mission to support our nation’s military veterans cannot be understated. If we serve ourselves more than we serve those in need, we are failing in our mission. If we fail to respect the protocols of the MC world we have earned our place in, we are failing to maintain our integrity as a three-piece club. Therefore in all our actions, we should seek to bring honor to the club, to our nation, to the motorcycle community, and to our military veterans.

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Father, Army veteran, American patriot, brother to my Countrymen, and married to my best friend.